Saturday, September 6, 2008


Originally I had planned out 4 blogs to write, Connecting was the first one and then there were 3 more. Let me tell you, this is not one of them. I need to read more verses about them and pray about them more before I blog about them, but see I've had so much time to do that and I just haven't. Laziness. I have a tendency to be lazy and say to God, I will obey You.... Later. Do you ever say that to God? Do you ever want to do what He is telling you, but you just don't do it and not because you don't want to, but because you want to do it later? The answer is probably at a point in your life, you were lazy and maybe you still are and if you've never been eventually you probably will be. Let's just face it. Okay great, so now we are all lazy children of God, yay.... Woah, too much sarcasm to handle there.

Moving on, how do we stop being lazy? Well, first off you have to know it'll take a lot of work and if you aren't up for that, why are you a Christian? The Bible said it was never gonna be easy. Second, you have to have a change of heart. You have to want to be different. If you don't want to be different, it's going to be hard to get the drive to actually BE different. Third, you have to, I'm going to repeat for emphasis, YOU HAVE TO PRAY. You have to pray that God will help you become different. You can't become closer to God without Him, you big dummy. I'm saying all this to myself, so I hope none of you think I'm calling you personally a big dummy. The next step, is to LISTEN. After you pray, you have to listen to what God is saying back or else you are having a monologue, you want a conversation. That's what real prayer is. I'll get more into the importance of prayer in another blog. Then lastly, you need to BE different. Yes, God will change you, but you have to help Him out, work with Him or hinder Him, but you need to do something because if you're doing nothing at all you are just putting yourself in a big hole.

So this blog is cut short, but be expecting more. 3 more very soon. I'm so tired of being lazy and so I choose not to be and God's gonna help me out on that. I ask my friends to hold me accountable and if you don't see those 3 blogs on here pronto, find me and tell me I'm being lazy and to pull myself together. I love you guys and I can't wait to grow in God with you. :)

1 comment:

YYY said...

That really hits me hard....I've been so lazy recently you would think I was dead :) Thanks for the wake-up call! (And I know you said you called yourself a big dummy, but I needed that too.)

Great post!!