Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Why aren't things different? How come every time you go back to school everything is the same? Should they be different? First of all, yes things should be different. Second, the change you ought to be looking for is in you. When you change everything else will too. Be a leader.

You need to lead, you need to be an example of how a Christian should be and other people may follow and even if they don't you still need to lead just for your sake. You need to trust that God will show and be with you, in you and constantly showing you what to do to be a leader. It's a cycle, you in God and then God in you.

Be a picture of Christ, you should no longer be you, but instead be just like Christ. Is this all coming together? Connect with God and with others to improve realationships like the one you have with God, He loves you and knows you, believe that, and get to know Him through praying and reading the Bible so you can do God's will and be just like Him so you can lead. That's the summary of my most recent blogs. They all go hand in hand together, but then I realized they all do. With God things just seem to fall together. It's so perfect.

In conclusion, Connect, Pray, Read, Have A Relationship, Lead. Step it up, right now is the perfect time.

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