Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pray and Read

Being a Christian has a lot to do with doing God's will. God's will is basically just what He intended for us to do, that's my simple definition for it. Now, many times people want to do God's will they just don't know how to do it. It breaks down to two things, if you couldn't have guessed, it breaks down to prayer and reading the Bible.

Prayer is simply having a conversation with God. Talk with Him, that's all. It is so important to pray. It helps you grow closer to God and learn more about Him, which will help you learn His will. Let's face it, you have to do what God wants you to, you simply must in order to have the life God intended for you which is far better than any life you could have ever planned for yourself. Talk with God, connect (seen that before) with God.

Read the Bible. I'm guessing you hear that maybe not a lot, but you hear it and maybe you don't know why that's so important. WWJD? Well, that's simple to determine sometimes. For example, if someone tells you to steal something you can ask yourself "WWJD?" and it's pretty obvious. Now think about this, your friends are fighting and they want you to pick a side,WWJD? Sometimes it's so hard to tell. BAM! Haha, I wanted to get your attention because this is important. This is where reading the Bible comes into place, reading the Bible will help you get to know God and what He is like so you can know better what He would do.. or even later what He wants you to do. For example, I've never read Twilight but it's popular so when you read Twilight you know what Edward is like and in parts in the book you can probably guess what he will do just because of what you've read about him. Same with Jesus! Read the Bible and you can more likely determine His will because you'll know Him better.

Learn more than just about God. Learn who God is.

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