Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Don't You Get It?

I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but the things I've been learning lately I had no idea how to put into words. I learned something late last night that I guess I already knew and it just became so clear. So here it goes:

Why do people lack so much passion when it comes to Christ? We can go on and on about how amazing our favorite singer is, but we can't go on about how amazing God is? Is it because we aren't sure if He's there? Let me tell you something, God is there. If you don't believe that with all that you are, how can you call yourself a Christian? I'd fill this post with proof that God is God and He's real, but that isn't what I was intended to write about.

Christ came and lived a perfect life. He never lied, never cheated, never screwed up. He spent His whole life devoted to God because He loved Him so much. Then He loved you even more, so He gave everything He had. He was beaten so brutally some of us can't comprehend the pain, then He picked up His cross and hung on it, suffocated and died. He was taunted and made fun of AS HE DIED. DOESN'T THAT MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU?! Then He rose from the dead 3 days later and instead of saying, "Forget you all, this sucks." He STILL just wanted to be with you! He gave EVERYTHING!

Then we refuse to give Him an hour of our time on a Sunday? We don't talk about him to our friends? We wear crosses but refuse to act like we know why we wear it? What is the problem! Are you scared of what people are going to think if you talk about God? Guess what. I think if you don't talk about God you are a cowardly selfish jerk.

HE STILL LOVES YOU! Loves you more than anything you ever dream of. Even if you are a cowardly selfish jerk. Doesn't that just blow your mind? Give something back, give everything you have to Him, it's not yours to keep, let it go, it doesn't matter. God is ALL that matters. Do you get it now?

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