Monday, July 21, 2008


Ok, so today I was feeling not as in tune with God as I normally do. I kinda began to panic and i was thinking why can't I be better? Why can I not get this right? What am I doing wrong? Then when I got to the "What am I doing wrong?" question I realized, nothing. I'm not doing anything wrong. Then I got more confused so I began to pray because confusion is not good and should not be focused on.

I felt like I juts needed to wait, He was going to show me the answer to all of this. I went on about my day a little upset but trying my hardest not to be. I want to grow closer to God, but I can't force Him to show me things. When He shows me it will all make sense and it will just be better.

I began to start cleaning (I know it's weird and I'm not sure why I did but I just did) and I grabbed my phone charger off the floor. It was intertwined with my computer charger, which is totally annoying. Why do cords just automatically tangle themselves? I walked over to a chair and sat down then began to unweave the cords.

They were so tangled. It took forever to untangle them. They got caught in a few spots but were definately being seperated. I didn't even think twice about what I was doing until after they were completely seperated. This is the way they were supposed to be.

What does this have to do with anything? Well God showed me that I was doing the right thing (I was like the cords beginning to untangle) and I hit a snag. As the cords were being seperated they hit snags but they were still on their way. I know they are just cords but we aren't. If you are doing what God is telling you to do and you are completely devoted to Him, but you still feel like He isn't moving in your life, maybe you just hit a snag but you might still be doing the right thing.

You're on your way to where God's intended you to be, so don't be discouraged.

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