Sunday, June 29, 2008


We all have regrets, whether you chose to admit that you have regrets is up to you. Most people believe you can live life with no regrets and if you have any you aren't living the right way. The dictionary definition for regret is to feel sorrow or remorse for. So for all of you who believe you can live without regrets I am here to tell you you're wrong.

Now I'm sure you are thinking 'well thanks I feel better now' but I'm not done. Just because you have regrets doesn't mean you have to keep them. Recently I've been clinging to a regret of mine and it was eating me up on the inside. The thing that is so hard for people to wrap their minds around is a simple truth: the past is the past and you can't change it now.

A thing to remember is that whatever happened was God's plan so don't feel bad for something that was planned that you can't change, that's just silly. Also, holding on to regrets is a little selfish if you think about it, then you are spending all that time feeling sorry for yourself when you should be giving your time to God. Rephrase: you should be giving His time to Him. Have regrets, we all do. Don't keep them.

What regrets are keeping your mind off God?


Taylor Hale said...

Great post Alyssa! I do have regrets in life, and there was one that I held onto, and then after awhile it ruined a friendship, so there is a point. But eventually I just gave the situation to God. We're yet to be friends again, but that's on his part, not mine, so it's all good!

A. Lusey said...

I'm glad you shared that with me. I'll pray for you and I'm glad that my lesson can now be yours too. :)

Alec Warn said...

well, i have quite a few regrets.
but i LOVE this post.
very good :]