Monday, June 30, 2008

In and Out

Why won't my parents let me do what I want to? Why do we have to spend so much time with God? Why does it matter what shows I watch or what music I listen to?

I'll tell you why. It's as simple as this: what goes in is what comes out. I know you think that you know when stuff is right and wrong so it doesn't matter what goes in, you can control what comes out. That is partly true, but partial truth is basically a lie. Am I right?

Watching all the coolest shows and listening to all the new music just isn't good for you. These things are of the world and if you keep letting them in, how long until it comes out? It's like filling a jar with dirt and saying you can make sure none of the dirt comes out. This may be true, but if you keep filling it with dirt eventually dirt will have to come out of the jar. It's the same with us, if we fill our lives with all this world has to offer, we are going to begin to act just like the world. Why did you think most people can't tell the difference between Christians and non-believers? It's because we act the same because we fill our lives with the same things they do!

BUT, on the other hand, it can be the other way around. If you fill a jar with water it will spill over pure and clean. When we fill our lives with Christ and His Word, it's going to show. Just the thought should excite you! Spend time with God and you will begin to act like Him. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! Christian means little Christ so acting like Christ is being a Christian. Then people will finally see the difference, and guess what, when people see the difference between Christians and them they can't help but want what we have. That's how people get SAVED! Now that's something to get excited about!

So I encourage you to think about what you are filling your life with and if you need to, make a drastic change! I promise you will never regret it.

Are you filtering what comes in so you can TRULY control what comes out?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow Alyssa. As your dad, this post hits home for me. I often wonder if I have exposed you to the right things or too many bad things. It's amazing how easy it is to see the affects of this simple truth, but how incredibly hard it is to live by it consistently. I hope that we continue to live my the truth that we are intended to "spur" one another toward love and good deeds (Heb 10:24-25) by blogs like yours.