Thursday, June 18, 2009


I haven't blogged in forever, obviously, so I'm just going to throw in a bunch of little things I've learned lately and hope it makes some sense but if not...nobody really reads this anyway.. I think.

ANYWAY! First, this is something I struggle with so often but it's a simple truth. God loves you and He loves you a lot, but not only does He love you, He actually likes you. He knows everything about you from your greatest moment to your best kept secret and He likes it all.. So why would there be any reason for you not to? Answer: there isn't a reason. Be you! In Christ. You're absolutely treasured and valued by the Kings of Kings and that's totally AMAZING! So love it. :)

Second, God loves you..but don't go thinking it's because of anything you have ever done. God loves you because He made you and because if you are a Christian He sees His son in you. So not only does He not just love you because you baked cookies for the homeless, but it also shows that you can't earn or lose His love by anything you do. HE LOVES YOU! End of story.

Third, life has really rough patches. There are always those days where you want to crawl in bed and never crawl out. BUT! God is comfort. God is love. God is hope..and so much more. Turning to God in time of need is the wisest and most satisfying way to live your life. He wants to help you. He wants to turn those moments of sorrow into an opportunity to draw near to do it.

Fourth, God's love never leaves us. If you aren't feeling it, you don't have to go look for it! It's right inside you in your soul. Spend time in His word and you will see the depths of His love and then in prayer you can experience how personal the love really is. Our God is the God that is everywhere and in everything. He plays a role in everyone's life everyday. He is for YOU. The best part is: He is completely and totally alive and living..IN YOU!

Last thing for tonight, I love you! Just learn to accept God's love and give it (because you can!). So again, I really love you. :)

1 comment:

Taylor Hale said...

Well, same goes for you Miss Alyssa! I love you too! I read your blog. What are you talking about 'no one reads this' stuff? ;) I'm always here for you babe! Love you!