Monday, August 11, 2008

Breakin' In The School Year

As we go back in to the school year we might get swept in to our routine. Maybe you're thinking you don't have a "routine" but then what would you call this: get up, go to school, come home, avoid homework, do homework when forced, eat and go to bed. I'd call that a routine and I know we all do it, but this summer I really had a change of heart and I don't want to go back into the flow of things. We shouldn't have a summer life and a school life, we should have one life and live that one life for God.

Now you still need to do all those things in the routine (except for the avoiding homework, don't do that) but don't fall into a cycle and let be the focus of your life. In the big scheme of things school isn't what matters, yes getting good grades is important, but not as important as showing God's love. This year when you go to school don't worry about the tests, homework, popularity, teachers, etc. but instead focus on being as Christ like as you can be.

For example, at lunch time your friends save you a spot at their table, but you see a person sitting all by themselves at a different table.. What do you do? Most likely you would go sit with your friends, I mean they even saved you a seat! In all actuality though, Jesus would go sit with the lonely person and be their friend, everybody wants to be loved and if we show God's love they get a greater love than they bargained for.

This year it is really important that we stay focused on Christ! Do not focus on school! Be a good student, but first be a good Christian. Show people you care about them. Be a salt and a light to the world. Make a differnce. Don't sit there and think you can't, you're perfectly capable of impacting someone's life so do it, and have fun. :)

1 comment:

Alec Warn said...

I like it :]
Sounds familiar! Haha.
I still need to get my schedule...