Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thanks Ya!!

Have you ever just needed a reason to smile? Have you ever thought of trying to be thankful? I know it sounds a little weird but when you become thankful it causes you to think of all the blessings instead of bad things and makes you a little happier! That's another gift from God, He calls us to be humble which makes us thankful which makes us happy. God is a pretty smart, nice dude if you ask me!! :)

Here are some things I am so thankful for:

Thanks Lord for giving me the very breath I am breathing right now.
Thanks for deciding to create me so I can live!!
Thanks for giving me a family.
And a home.
Thanks for putting me in a country where I can praise You.
And say what I feel.
And not be killed because of who I was.
Or what I look like.
Thanks for Your grace!!
Thanks for not setting a limit on how many times we can sin.
Thanks for the never ending mercy!
Thanks for love.
A love beyond compare.
Thanks for hope.
You are my hope Lord.
Thanks for friends!!
Thanks for people who care.
Thanks for caring about me Yourself!!
Thanks for CHRISTMAS!!
Thanks for sending Your son to die for me.
Thanks for the best gift I've recieved.
Thanks for giving it freely.
To anyone.
Thanks for creating hugs!
And teddy bears!
And snow.
And rain.
And music.
Thanks for thinking of me.
Every second.
I'm eternally thankful to You!

Friday, November 7, 2008


If your mind hasn't concluded this: time passes. As time passes things change. It's so simple but when it happens we act so surprised. Why is that? I think the worst is when the people we know change over time. It's like one day you know them and the next day you don't. The thing I've had to realize is you have to accept change. Things don't go back to the way they were. The past is the past and it's over and gone... Whether we like it like that or not. Suck much? Umm, yes.

Now for some good news! God never changes! God is the same God He was even back during creation. He is always going to be something stable in your life even when everything else around you is changing. It is just another truth in the saying "On Christ the solid rock I stand" and you can find it to be very true.

So I'm going to make this short and go ahead and wrap up. Things change for better and for worse as your life goes on. God will never change on you.