Thursday, January 28, 2010


"To know me is to love me, and to love me is to know me." That's a phrase that has stuck with me for quite some time from a video I watched a few years back. It was about the woman at the well and how Jesus knew her. He knew her sins and flaws and heart to the core of who she was and still wanted her. He knew her and He loved her. I applied it to my life in the sense that I could know the God of the universe knows ME and loves ME, just as He does for you. That alone is an amazing truth to grasp.

The real turning point for me was when I actually flipped the phrase around to God. To know God is to really love Him, and to love God is to really know Him. Do you know God? When you are faced with hard situations do you flip through the bible for the answer? Do you know what Jesus would really do or say? The bible isn't an answer booklet to life. The bible is God telling you who He is so you can know Him. You can know the God of the universe. Then, you will just know in hard situations what He would do. For example, you know your friends or family well enough to know how a certain person would handle situations. The same should be true for God. They don't call Christianity a personal relationship with Christ for nothing. There's truth in that! Take the time to get to know your God. Pray asking Him to reveal Himself and read the bible, not for you or your benefit, but because you want to get to know your God on a personal level and then you will benefit.

God knew you before you were born, you've got your whole life to get to know Him back, will you?